Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence refers to the condition of weak sex drive and it is particularly a problem with men. Those men who suffer from ED remain unable to achieve a strong erection and thereby fail to satisfy their partner in the bed. It is a common cause for male infertility or lower libido in men. Therefore, sexual desire in men is killed. There are millions of cases of ED across the world. Experts recommend some natural treatment for erectile dysfunction. Such home treatments are effective as well as affordable.

There are several medicinal options for ED but natural or home solutions are still preferred as they don’t have any side effects as such. Take a look at some of such effective natural treatments for ED.

Healthy Diet:

Diet is the most crucial factor for the treatment of weak sex drive or ED. It is essential to have the right minerals and vitamins for erectile dysfunction treatment. Your diet rich-in effective elements can make a difference in the treatment of ED. Some particular food items including green vegetables, red meat, wholegrain, fish, carrot, almonds, nuts, and berries play a very important role in improving sex drive.


This element is found in many food products. It has the capacity to relax blood vessels for the treatment of heart problem. Its role in the treatment of ED makes it an obvious choice, as it can boost blood circulation in the penis. You can take L-citrulline to boost the production of arginine to treat male infertility.

Regular Exercise:

Regular exercise plays an important role in the treatment of ED and it does not pose any side effects as well. Besides improving blood circulation, exercise is also helpful in improving overall health. The health benefits of exercise are not unknown and it’s quite effective in boosting sex drive. Take a session of just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day to elevate your sex drive.

Take food supplements to treat ED:

Along with the exercise, you have to take some particular minerals and vitamins for erectile dysfunction. Some specific elements that include folic acid (Vitamin B12) and B vitamin are effective in the production of nitric oxide which is needed to boost sex drive. Men can naturally elevate their sex performance by taking food items rich in folic acids. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and vitamin D are some other important vitamins that men should consume to boost their sex drive.

Get rid of overweight to boost sex drive:

Obesity or overweight is a big obstacle in the treatment of male infertility. You have to reduce waistline to fight erectile dysfunction. In other words, weight loss can help you in staying healthy and sexually strong. Overweight poses the risks for various health conditions like vascular disease, asthma, ED and diabetes. Therefore, try to be slim and drop excess of fats to improve your sex life.

Take the help of acupuncture:

Acupuncture is one of the long-used and effective treatments for male infertility. There have been a lot of advancements in this treatment method over many decades. People suffering from weak sex drive can take the help of a licensed acupuncturist who can administer this treatment correctly to boost your sex drive.