No matter, what are the causes of erectile dysfunction, Suhagra helps to provide an erection that is firm enough for sexual performance. Buy this ED medicine online to get great deals.

The sexual issue usually involves a combination of nerve function and circulation and blood circulation. It is believed that nerves do not produce enough nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels and allows them to fill chambers of the penis. Or there may be blockages or arterial walls that can’t relax enough for a free flow of blood. ED may even indicate a heart disorder. Men having ED are at high risk of developing diabetes and heart problems as compared to normal men.

ED can be called as an age-related condition but can also be triggered by psychological factors. Erection problem may occur due to various reasons such as sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and use of certain medications including antihypertensive agents, antidepressants, psychotropic drugs and recreational drugs.

Presently, oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5) commonly form of the first line of treatment prescribed by urologists (specialist in treating sexual issues in men). These pharmaceutical drugs include Sildenafil citrate and Tadalafil. The demand for ED drugs is increasing day by day and continue rising as it fulfils the needs of the growing elderly population.

Erectile dysfunction or ED is the most common sexual dysfunction in men. The incidence of ED increases with age and affects up to one-third of men throughout their lives. The sexual disorder causes a substantial negative impact on intimate relationships, quality of life as well as self-esteem. A physical examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis of this disease in most cases because there is no preferred test for diagnosis of ED.

Suhagra- A brand name of Sildenafil

Sildenafil is the oral medications approved for first-line treatment of erectile dysfunction or ED. Whatever the causes of erectile dysfunction, whether physical or psychological, Suhagra works in every condition. It is an ideal choice for those who wish to enhance their sexual performance. You can get this ED medicine online at various online drug stores. The ED drug is an excellent way to improve your sex life. In the bedroom, Sildenafil allows greater blood flow to the penis.

Sildenafil is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PDE5), which blocks the enzyme PDE5, this, in turn, prevents relaxation of smooth muscle tissue. This way it allows blood flow to the penis to help men get an erection. Around two-thirds of men have improved erections after taking this ED drug.

This ED drug is available on prescription in the brand name Suhagra and can also be bought from most medical stores or online pharmacies. It comes as a tablet that swallow with water or chewable pills.

Facts about Suhagra

Suhagra is a brand name of Sildenafil citrate that help men to prolong their sexual intercourse so that they can please their partners for a much longer time.

Generall, Sildenafil takes 30 to 60 minutes for Sildenafil to work for erection problems in men. One can take it up to four hours before indulging in sexual activity. Taking the pill won’t cause a penile erection; you need to be sexually aroused for it to work. The most reported side effects are a headache, dizziness, hot flushes, and feeling sick. Most men experience no side effects or only mild ones. Make sure you don’t consume any nitrate medication while taking Sildenafil because it can cause a dangerous drop in your blood pressure. In case, you are not sure that you are taking nitrate medication, ask your physician. You can try other top Sildenafil brands like:


This medication is recognized as one of the top brand names of Sildenafil which brings them self-consciousness back, and men feel manly again after some failures in bed.


This ED drug works for men those erections are getting weaker with age. With this, totally healthy men are also very satisfied.


It is also used to treat erection problems in men and allows men to enjoy for some more time.

Kamagra Gold:

These pills are also used to treat the man’s inability to get and sustain a penile erection satisfactory for engaging in sexual intercourse.


This ED drug helps to get an erection to each one of them who is unable to achieve an erection to satisfy his partner.


This Sildenafil brand is also given to help you achieve an erection whenever you are sexually aroused.