Benefits Of Being Sexually Active

Is sex good for your health and what are the benefits of being sexually active, have you ever thought of this? The health benefits of love making are much more than you might have ever imagined.

Is Sex Healthy Everyday?

There can be no answer that can be generalized for this. It would depend on the individual, some might love having sex everyday and this could be good for them.

And then some might feel that it is good enough to have sex not every day, but maybe just once a week – and that would be good for them too.

Fact is, if you have sex daily, the benefits of being sexually active is thait can be perfect for you. Having sex daily can be very good for many reasons, such as:

  • You will be able to bond better and feel better with your partner.
  • Your immune system will get better and stronger.
  • Your level of stress will come down.
  • You reduce your risk of getting heart attacks and cancer.
  • Your anxiety will reduced.
  • Your overall health gets a big boost.

Daily Sex Is Good For Health Or Not

Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack : 

Having a great sex life is very good for your heart. Not only is having sex a good way to raise your heart rate, it also helps in keeping your levels of testosterone and estrogen in balance.

Great Exercise:

Having sex is an excellent way of exercising. When you have sex, you use various muscles of yours, and your heart rate is bumped up.

Libido Booster:

Another one of the benefits of being sexually active is that having sex is an excellent way of boosting your libido.

Sleep Is Better: 

After having good sex, you may likely fall off to sleep much more quickly.

This is because after you have sex, a hormone called prolactin is released and this hormone is responsible for creating feelings of sleepiness and relaxation.

Less Chances Of Prostate Cancer: 

The studies have revealed that because of a man ejaculating, they could rid the prostate of substances that are harmful and which could the cause of giving birth to prostate cancer.

Health Benefits Of Being Sexually Active For Males

Burns Calories: 

Studies have shown that when men have sex, on average, they can burn 100 calories.

The number of calories lost as a result of having sex would vary and it would depend on the duration of the sex had.

Pain Relief: 

One of the benefits of being sexually active is that it could also bring about relief from pain. This is because when a man has sex, various hormones are released such as endorphins and oxytocin. These are both very helpful in reducing pain.

Stress Relief: 

Studies have shown that men were more capable of dealing with stress than women, as a result of having sex. Having sex also helps men manage depression and anxiety.

Increasing Life Span:

Another one of the benefits of being sexually active is that sex can also increase longevity. Men who ejaculate at least twice in a week, have a 50% lesser chance of mortality, as compared with men who orgasm just once in a month.

Great Sleep: 

When a man has sex, he feels sleepy. This is because as a result of him having sex, the ‘love drug’ known as Oxytocin is released. This serves as a ‘sleep aid’ for the man.

Chances of Prostate Cancer Lowering:

Research studies have shown that men who ejaculate for a minimum of 21 times in a month, have a 33% lesser risk of getting prostate cancer, as compared with men who have just 4 to 7 orgasms a month.

The studies have revealed that as a result of a man ejaculating, the prostate could be rid of substances that are harmful and which could possibly be the cause of giving birth to prostate cancer.

Health Benefits Of Being Sexually Active For Females

Great For The Mood: 

One of the benefits of being sexually active is that not only does having sex make you feel good, but studies have shown that having sex serves as an anti-depressant.

Gives Confidence: 

Engaging in sex regularly can make you look younger because during sex it releases estrogen.

And so, because of having sex regularly, not only do you feel more attractive and more desirable, but your confidence gets a big boost.

Healthy Heart: 

Studies show that the more you have sex, you reduce the risk of getting a stroke or a heart attack.

Lesser Period Problems: 

Having sex regularly all through the month can make the time when you have periods feel less disruptive and also shorter and lighter.

Enhances Memory: 

If you are worried about having memory problems as you age, then you will be very happy to learn that adults who are more sexually active, have a far better memory than adults who do not have sex regularly.

Increases Energy Level: 

After you have an orgasm, your brain feels as though it has received a shot of glucose and this in turn gives you more energy.

Benefits Of Sex In Marriage

Lower your Blood Pressure:

Another one of the benefits of being sexually active, even though it might just be a quickie, is that it can be great for your blood pressure.

Immunity Booster: 

When you have sex frequently, you are more capable of fighting flus and colds.

Fights Depression: 

When having sex, serotonin is released and this makes you feel relaxed and happy.

Reduce Risk Cancer: 

The chances of getting cancer are Reducing when you have regular sex.

Younger Looking: 

As a result of having sex frequently, you can look at least 7 years younger.

Is Daily Sex Good For The Health Or Not?

You have seen all the evidence above, of how having sex daily or at least regularly, can help you.

Now that you know the many benefits of being sexually active, it is up to you to decide whether or not you want to have sex daily or at least regularly!